Quick Tips

Gratitude Journal – Journal of Joy


Start a Gratitude Journal to bring Joy to Your Life.

I was wandering through a bookstore one afternoon when I found a little notebook, a gratitude journal. It was small and cute, titled “Favorite Moment a Day Journal”.  Picking it up and opening it, I could already imagine the special moments that could be written on its clear and neat pages. What favorite thoughts and precious memories I could fill its blank and new files. When you pick up a notebook, it’s like a whole new world is opening for you. Your own world that you can create just by putting words together. Words are so meaningful, they can build people up or bring them down in a second. This is the same when it comes to the words that we tell ourselves, or what we think about ourselves.

Gratitude Journal – The Journal of Joy

I always thought that it is so important to gather joy in your everyday life. It is such a blessing to remember the lovely times and, in a way, to hold them in your hands by holding the open pages. Life is full of ups and downs, but it is so important to always remember the good times. It’s the unique and special moments that have made you smile, that you know in an instant that you wouldn’t want to ever forget. Those memories deserve to be recorded, written down so that you could remember them over the years.

I started my favorite moment a day journal sometime in my mid-50’s. There were so many favorite moments from when my children were young. When these thoughts would come to mind, I would include these memories in the journal, as they brought a smile to my face.

Being able to go back in time and see again different parts of yourself is a great aspect of our minds. Writing at least one favorite thing of the present day can bring so much positivity and gratitude into our lives. After all, it is much better to celebrate life for its beauty than to choose to see the unpleasant part of it.

Continued Joy

It brings me so much joy to open up my own journal. Reliving all the beautiful moments I’ve had, it immediately lifts my spirit and puts me in a good mood. Along with that, gratitude can improve your health.

I would encourage every person starting a new personal journey, such as a young couple, new parents, or anyone to start a journal like this, the Journal of Joy. It will be cherished with the passing of time. When you want to bring back the happy moments. It is never too late. Every age has its beauty and charm, and every chapter of your life will serve its purpose. Your favorite moments today will be treasured memories in the future, when the years will have passed.