Less Stressful Road Trips with Kids


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Some would say you haven’t truly bonded as a family until you take a few Road Trips with Kids. Though the thought of a road trip with young children strikes a note of fear in most parents, there are simple tips to help alleviate the anxiety. Even for a short, few hour road trip, these tips can make the journey a good memory rather than a stressful experience.

1. Know Your Limits

For a family vacation, then make sure it is fun for the entire family, not just the kids. If mom and dad aren’t happy, there is a good chance the kids won’t be happy either. You know your children. When problems arise on 30 minute ride to Grandma’s, they probably aren’t ready for the 2 day trip to the mountains. Start slow and build up to a pace that is acceptable to all family members. Short day trips can prepare you for what the tolerance level is for your children being confined in the car for longer periods.

Fodors Travel notes that traveling with toddlers is unquestionably the most difficult age to travel with. The article actually refer to children in this stage as an evil nocturnal puppy in diapers. 🙂

2. Pre-Plan Drive Time Activities

For younger children, design activities, snacks and breaks around specified blocks of time. At the top of the hour, pass out a small snack. A new activity or craft starts at quarter past the hour. Also, a few moments of quiet and rest are always appreciated. Sing a song or palay a family game at designated intervals. Kids really do like structure. The more you are organized with activities, the easier it is for them to anticipate and accept what comes next.

Older children are probably used to sitting still for longer car rides and can usually entertain themselves with movies, audio books and electronics. This may be the easy way out, but try to encourage tweens and teens to appreciate the family time and the beauty of the great outdoors.

One of my favorite family road trip activities was listening to audio books. The entire family would be engaged in the story and it was something we could talk about later on. We still talk about this special shared experience. Here are some great suggestions for family audio books.

3. How to Pack the Car for Road Trips with Kids

Having comfort items as well as emergency supplies will reduce the stress so often experienced during a Family Road Trip. Sometimes its a tricky balance to anticipate what you might need to pack while doing your best not to over-pack. Activities For Kids lists a few items you may not have considered.

Have Plenty of Snacks

Kids are always hungry, right? So keep them fed. That’s one way to keep them from asking when the next meal stop will be. For your own sanity, pack snacks that are easy to eat as well as car-friendly. Pre-portion and prepackage snacks before the trip to eliminate back-seat quarrels, and over indulgence. While it is super important to keep the snacks healthy (this is not the time for a sugar rush) you should also pack your kid’s favorites. A few special splurges might come in handy as good behavior treats as well as methods for bribery.

A quick side-note here. I once bribed my 5-year-old to finish a mountain hike with one M&M for every 10 steps.

Don’t Forget the Extras that Add Comfort

This is when that favorite stuffed animal or security blanket comes in handy. Snuggle time should be comforting for your child. Also, be sure to dress your children for comfort. This isn’t the time for jeans and collared shirts. Soft flexible shorts or sweatpants topped with t-shirts and a backup jacket or sweatshirt are easy to maneuver and switch out for any temperature change.

For activities from Word Search Puzzles to playing Car Games a quick and easy lap table is a necessity. You can find a variety of metal cookie or pizza trays at your local Dollar Store. Purchase one of the same shape (for easy stacking) for each child. For meals and snacks, I always kept a few plastic Frisbees in the car. A sturdy plastic plate for fast food as well as quick exercise at a rest stop.